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Our Past


The Australian Computer Society was formed on 1 January 1966 by the formal ratification of the Constitution and By-laws by the five founding societies - the Canberra Computer Society (March 1965), the New South Wales Computer Society (April 1963), the Queensland Computer Society (February 1962), the South Australian Computer Society (November 1960) and the Victorian Computer Society (April 1961).

The Western Australian Computer Society (October 1966) was admitted as the Western Australian Branch of the Society on 1 January 1967.

The Tasmanian Branch was formed on 5 July 1975, and the Northern Territory Branch on 1 January 1983.

The Society was incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Ordinance 1953 of the Australian Capital Territory on 3 October 1967.

Inaugural Council Meeting

Inaugural meeting of the Council was held in Canberra on 2 February 1966. The delegates to this Council were T. Pearcey and D.L Overheu (Canberra), J.M. Bennett and R.W. Rutledge (NSW), H. Baskerville (QLD), O.L. Wilson and A.E. Norman (SA) and M. Cassidy.

The following foundation office bearers were elected:

  • President: J.M.Bennett
  • Vice-President: T. Pearcey
  • Honorary-Secretary-Treasurer: R.W. Rutledge

This Council held office until the end of April 1966.

In May 1966, a new Council took office (after the Branch General Elections of March 1966), and held its first meeting in Canberra on 16 May. The delegates were:

  • T. Pearcey and D.L. Overheu (Canberra)
  • J.M. Bennett and R.W. Rutledge (NSW)
  • L.Olsen and K.S.Pope (for M.D. Fagg) (QLD)
  • P.R. Benyon and A.E. Norman (SA)
  • P.M.Murton (VIC)
  • J.M. Bennett, T. Pearcey and R.W. Rutledge were re-elected as office bearers.

Council was replaced as the ACS Governing Body by Management Committee in January 2008. Management Committee is supported by an advocacy body, the ACS Congress.

This page provides a history of the ACS National Office Bearers.